Learning through Play
The aim of Kids Club Saigon is to provide a secure, loving, and creative environment that nurtures the growth and development of each child. We offer small class sizes, high-quality learning resources, and experienced teaching staff. At Kids Club Saigon, we work together to create an environment that celebrates childhood.
Play is the work of the child. Play is a child’s response to life. It is the way children discover themselves and the world around them. By creating a thoughtfully prepared environment that supports child-led play, we nurture wonder, we embrace joy, and we foster discovery. Along the way, we help our children develop these skills:
Developing trusting relationships with adults at school
Following daily routines with adult support
Developing awareness and interest in self-care, e.g. washing hands, feeding self, putting away personal belongings, choosing activities, going up/down stairs safely
Beginning toilet learning (if ready)
Showing curiosity and engagement in the learning environment
Showing interest in joining some group activities
Developing receptive language skills and showing interest in social communication
Showing increasing awareness and understanding of spoken English
Learning how to use simple tools and interact with different materials safely
Feeling happy, comfortable, and secure at school!
Developing trusting relationships with adults at school
Understanding and following daily routines with increased confidence
Developing confidence in self-care skills, e.g. washing hands, eating, putting on shoes, putting away own snacks and water bottles, going up/down stairs safely, seeking help/comfort when needed
Toilet learning
Joining in group activities at age-appropriate level
Developing receptive and expressive language skills through everyday social interactions
Learning English vocabulary about emotions, people, living things, objects, and the world around them
Using tools, toys, books, and materials safely and with intention
Showing curiosity and engagement in the learning environment
Engaging in parallel and social play
Listening and responding to books read to them and developing an interest in books
Developing fine-motor skills through hands-on activities and gross-motor skills through active play
Feeling happy, comfortable, and secure at school!
Developing independence, self-confidence, and willingness to try new things
Taking care of personal needs and being aware of others' needs
Recognizing emotions in self and others, and developing ways to manage own emotions
Initiating own play and engaging in social play
Developing friendships and learning how to resolve conflicts with peers
Building English vocabulary and oral language (e.g. talking, listening, singing) to communicate with increasing confidence
Learning to recognize and trace their own names
Becoming familiar with alphabet letters (especially those in their names) and beginning to associate sounds and letters
Developing awareness and interest in mark-making
Developing concrete understanding of numbers 1-10, shapes, colors, patterns, and “mathematical language” (e.g. big/small, long/short, more/less, heavy/light)
Listening and engaging in group activities
Focusing on an age-appropriate task until completion
Developing fine-motor skills through hands-on activities and the use of classroom tools (e.g. crayons, scissors)
Developing gross-motor skills through active play
Enjoying school life and developing a positive attitude towards learning
Choosing activities that interest them and showing sustained focus in those activities
Interacting cooperatively in groups of 4-5 children, resolving conflicts through basic negotiation and compromise, and maintaining friendships over several months
Recognizing and managing emotions and responding to stress in safe and healthy ways
Listening, sustaining attention, and participating during whole-group activities
Following verbal multi-step directions and focusing on the task until completion
Practicing English vocabulary, grammar, and communication skills through daily language interactions and classroom topics
Writing names and familiar words, and developing emergent writing skills (tracing, copying, labeling, composing simple sentences)
Identifying uppercase and lowercase letters, and associating vowels and consonants with their most common sounds
Using letter-sound knowledge to decode CVC, CCVC, and CVCC words and using known spelling patterns (e.g. digraphs, vowel teams) when tackling new words
Building sight word vocabulary to support fluent reading and comprehension at grade level
Engaging in teacher-guided literacy activities, e.g. dictation, journal writing, reading decodable text, responding to read-aloud stories
Rote counting to 100, counting objects to 30, identifying numerals 0-20, and matching quantities to 20
Using concrete objects, drawing, visual models, and other math strategies to add/subtract within 10 with increasing fluency
Developing mathematical language to talk about quantity, shape, measurement, patterns, graphing, and position
Using tools (e.g. pencils, scissors) with increased control and precision
Developing abstract symbolic thinking through drawings, constructions, and dramatic role play
Engage in inquiry, research, project work, and presentation about topics of interest
Developing skills to become confident, curious, creative, collaborative, and compassionate citizens of the world